Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

Sengkaling Food Festival (SFF)

Sengkaling Food Festival is culinary tour that build in Taman Rekreasi Sengkaling. SFF occupies an area of 3 hectares in front of the TRS, the location is strategically located on the highway between Malang Batu. SFF is very appropriate as a hangout, meeting point, gathered with friends or family. SFF provide a wide range of food menu and it can get cheaply. SFF opened everyday start from 4 pm until 11 pm. SFF has a unique design like pencil and book wall. If you take photo there you will get the beautiful thing. For example:

sumber : http://malangtourisminformation.com/news/24/span-style-font-size-12px-font-weight-bold-Sengkaling-Food-Festival-span

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